IXON Weekly update
- Week 41
- Webapp version: 2.9.1
- API version 0.1.69 (details)
What is the IXON weekly update?
The IXON Cloud and IXON’s API are updated weekly with bug fixes, changes to the platform and new features. This weekly update informs you on everything that was added to, changed and fixed in the IXON platform this week.
This week’s release is a big one! Some major new features that were requested by a lot of our customers have been released. We are very excited that after a lot of hard work and testing we can finally share these features with you.
The user manager management system has been expanded with two new additions:
- Device specific access
- Temporary access
The former of these features will give a user access to just one machine instead of a group of machines or all machines in the company account (company-wide). You can only have one device-specific role per user. You can only select what was formerly called a group-specific role for a device.
The latter will set an expiration date to the access of a user, which means that a user will lose access after that expiration date has been met. You can set an expiration date for every role. It doesn’t matter if that role is company wide, group specific or device specific.
Other Features
We’ve added the possibility to add a custom field to the General Info section of your device. This way you can add for example an identifier that you use internally to a device without cluttering the device name with all kinds of cryptic information. You can create a custom field in Admin > Custom fields. You can then review the custom fields in the Device info widget and the Fleet Manager’s device Info section.
Another feature released this week is only available for IXON users with an M2M Cloud Cluster. They can now configure their VPN address manually. Options include the ability to set a fixed VPN address, choose the VPN server manually and configure BBMD for Bacnet setups.
The config file that you can download when the IXrouter and IXON Cloud are in sync now contains more configuration details, making it easier to copy the setup to a different router.
Furthermore the following basic improvements to the useability of the platform:
- Added scrollable tabs for mobile devices
- Added reference lines to the list of groups in the Admin
- Added reference lines to (Live) Line Graph
- Fixed an issue where Publish and Revert-to-Published-Version actions will sometimes clear the entire grid
- Fixed an issue where the Properties panel reappears after publishing a page