IXON Cloud 2.3.3

IXON Weekly update

  • Week 16 (19-04-2021 to 25-04-2021)
  • Webapp version: 2.3.3
  • API version 0.1.45 (details)

What is the IXON weekly update?
The IXON Cloud and IXON’s API are updated weekly with bug fixes, changes to the platform and new features. This weekly update informs you on everything that was added to, changed and fixed in the IXON platform this week.

The previous two releases already added some support for boolean values in the components in the studio. This weeks release builds on that by adding even more support for boolean values. Furthermore, some improvements to the IXON Cloud’s overall performance are released this week. And last but not least, this weeks release contains some additional user experience improvements.


A big new feature this week is the ability to activate multiple devices at once. Users with a lot of devices no longer have to activate them one by one. If you register multiple devices at the same time, you now get a new configuration menu after clicking on the yellow bar. This menu will allow you to give all new devices a name and assign them to groups. You can even add a device template, allowing you to configure all devices in one go as well.

Plotting boolean values is now allowed in the line graph component. A new ‘line type’ option was added to display boolean data accurately. When you are plotting boolean values, be sure to choose step graph to get optimal visual representation.


You can now change the IP-address of VNC, HTTP, WebSocket services and data sources after the service has been created. This means that you no longer have to remove the service and then add it again with another name if the IP-address of the service suddenly changes.

Other improvements:

  • Switching between pages in the IXON Cloud Portal now works a little faster.
  • Some general improvements to our back-end have been implemented.


  • An issue where some users would show up in the user list of other users unintentionally is fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where single sign-on would redirect to a non-existing page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Statusbar would fill time segments with the next value instead of the current.