Hi, Just reaching out in case anyone can explain or has come across this before - There seems to be some issue connecting to a Siemens HMI that we have on a remote connection, we can ping it and can connect to the PLC no problem, but it will not find the HMI?
Our setup is:
IXrouter 3.0 4G/LTE & Wi-Fi using wired connection on the same network as the machine in question.
Windows 10 host connected to the IXON
VMWare Pro 16 running TIA Portal v17 with a NAT connection, have tried bridged as well but no luck
There is mention on Siemens support site that you can’t connect to an HMI due to different port being used, but this seems odd?
When you look under TIA → 4. it shows you a way how to manually insert the IP address. For whatever reason it works that way. Feel free to also complain at Siemens to fix this issue somewhen
I’m encountering the same issue, but the cause is probably different.
So I’m connected through the VPN of the Ixon to my Electrical cabinet. The cabinet has a PLC (s-1500), HMI (TP700) and a drive. Via TIA Portal & VPN I can go online with the PLC. Via TIA Portal’s accessible devices I can see the HMI but when I try to go online on it, it fails… Not sure if this is related to the Ixon or to Siemens… Maybe both? Any insightS?