Weekly release 2024-02

Release notes

  • IXON Cloud 2.36.0
  • API version 0.1.178 (details)

The IXON Cloud and IXON’s API are updated weekly.


  • The sorting order in the Fleet Manager device list is now automatically saved.
  • The name of license “Historical Data” has been changed to “Data Studio” to conform to the terminology in our pricing plans.
  • Removed the misleading message at data sources using a custom MQTT broker informing the user that a Cloud Logging or Cloud Notify license is required, which is not the case when data is being logged to a custom MQTT broker.
  • Removed the nonworking and rarely used authentication option from the WAN proxy server configuration.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where the Fleet Manager would unintentionally allow you to view device settings for all devices you had access to, so long as you had the “Manage devices”-permission on at least one device. Now, the Fleet Manager will only show devices to which you have permission “Manage devices”.
  • Fixed an issue where the Active Alarms Overview app would continue to display resolved connection monitoring alarms.
  • Fixed an issue where .SVG images could unintentionally be used in company branding. This image format is not supported.
  • Fixed an issue where group-specific permissions would spill over to the user’s company-wide access if the user had both a group-specific and company-wide role.