Text formatting for downloads

Hello all,

In the free tour account I’ve seen a component with links to PDF documents. I assume the text note component is used with ‘markdown’ for this? I don’t have any experience with this kind of formatting.

Can someone help me create a list with my documents?

A support article about markdown will be published on support.ixon.cloud soon. In the meantime, you can use this editor https://stackedit.io.
On the left, you see the markdown, and on the right the result.

Example support documentation info:

# **Support documentation:**

![](https://cdn.ixon.cloud/support/images/imagebart-3.jpg) [Installation Manual.pdf](https://www.ixon.cloud/media/iroaxmn2/ixrouter3-installation-manual.pdf)

![](https://cdn.ixon.cloud/support/images/imagebart-3.jpg) [Quickstart Guide](https://www.ixon.cloud/media/202pfhva/ixrouter3-doc.pdf)

Example contact support

# **Contact support:**
We're available on weekdays (8:00-17:00)

### Inspection machine

- **E-mail:** support@ixon.cloud
- **Enquiries:** +31 123--------

### Packaging line

- **E-mail:** support@ixon.cloud
- **Enquiries:** +31 123--------

### Weighing machine

- **E-mail:** support@ixon.cloud
- **Enquiries:** +31 123--------

### Alarming machine

- **E-mail:** support@ixon.cloud
- **Enquiries:** +31 123--------
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Wow Bart, this is really helpful. Thanks for the example, I’ll try to implement it in my widget.