Weekly release 2024-17

Release notes

  • IXON Cloud 2.39.3
  • API version 0.1.193 (details)

The IXON Cloud and IXON’s API are updated weekly.


  • SMS as a new two-factor authentication (2FA) method: To provide more flexibility and to encourage the use of 2FA for increased account security, SMS has been added as an authentication method. You can choose which authentication method you prefer, SMS or an authenticator app. It is only possible to set up one authentication method.


  • If a UI component fails to load, the component itself displays an error message to indicate that something is wrong.
  • As part of our process of phasing out the old IXON Cloud (connect.ixon.cloud), it is no longer possible to switch to a company in the old IXON Cloud from the current IXON Cloud (portal.ixon.cloud).

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue in the App Engine SDK’s openFormDialog() where manually changing the date time input did not save the settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the event log would only show a few events due to some unintended queries running in the background.
  • Fixed an issue where redirecting from the old IXON Cloud (connect.ixon.cloud) to the current IXON Cloud (portal.ixon.cloud would) not work properly and instead display an infinite loading circle.
  • Fixed an issue where the Melsec data source settings were missing default values for Network No. and Request Destination Module Station No.